Case Study

Port of San Francisco


Creating a Media Strategy

From 2017 to 2024, the Civic Edge team had the privilege of working with the Port of San Francisco to develop and deploy communications strategies aimed at educating San Francisco residents about the need to strengthen the Embarcadero Seawall and pursue strategies for addressing sea level rise along the Port’s entire 7.5 mile jurisdiction. One big chapter of our playbook was media and public relations.



Making the Invisible, Visible

Leading communications and community engagement for the Waterfront Resilience Program meant helping San Franciscans understand why San Francisco’s waterfront is at risk, even when problems are literally buried under the Embarcadero. We were also charged with sharing how the waterfront’s critical regional and citywide assets could be made resilient to earthquake and sea level rise hazards. From strategy, branding, and messaging development to our on-the-ground community engagement work, Civic Edge matched the importance and ambition of this project with our comprehensive approach.



Tailored Materials and Tireless Outreach

Civic Edge created opportunities for “free” media coverage and let some of the region’s – and the nation’s – most trusted messengers explain that San Francisco’s waterfront is critical to the survival of the City. Over the seven year project, we mounted major earned media campaigns for the Port, including penning Op Eds, developing collateral to educate reporters, and creating a suite of photos and video b-roll for use in video and print. We hosted media events and conducted outreach to respected journalists writing for publications as small and focused as hyperlocal neighborhood blogs to outlets as broad and far-reaching as The New York Times. 

Thanks to more than 50 stories in the local, regional, and national publications that San Francisco residents trust most, the once relatively unknown challenges facing the waterfront now are well known across the city.

Press Conference with State and City Officials for AB 2578: Major Funding for the Seawall Program


Case Study