Case Study

Vision Zero SF


An Ambitious Commitment

In 2014, San Francisco joined the international movement to create safer, more livable streets with the goal of eliminating all traffic-related fatalities and reducing severe injuries.



Inspiring Behavior Change

Vision Zero is based on the premise that traffic fatalities and injuries are not an inevitable part of urban life. Civic Edge was charged with the task of helping the City get the word out to its diverse communities on the state of San Francisco’s safe streets, and empowering residents, workers, and visitors with information to encourage behavioral changes. Our engagement team removed personal blame for collisions from the conversations and instead focused on personal responsibility—and the opportunities we all have to create safer communities.



Crafting Creative Engagement

Recognizing that our communities face diverse challenges, our team places equity and creativity at the heart of our work, engaging San Francisco’s most vulnerable traffic corridors and developing a suite of memorable activities and collateral. From the Vision Zero Hero mascot to reflective slap bracelets to an intercept board activity, we’ve engaged over 40,000 San Francisco residents in the last three years in one-on-one conversations about safer streets. The Kill with Kindness – Not Collisions advertisements featured at transit hubs share Vision Zero’s message of behavior change. We attend press conferences, secure safe speed videos at DMVs across the state, meet with advocacy groups, host community workshops and coffee chats, and bring it all home by being out in the community almost every weekend talking about street safety at neighborhood events.

Walk and Roll to School Day 2018 at Peabody Elementary


Case Study